Ender 3 pro CR auto Bed Level

Okay, I need your brains again. My board is 4.2.2 but I must loaded something wrong cause it will not let me set the Z level it always goes back to old setting from when I first install the CR. In fact it does not keep any of my temp settings. I suspect it was whatever flash file I used so could someone tell me which one I should use please?

Are you storing the settings after setting them? lt would also help to know exactly what firmware you’re using. Anyway, if the firmware is Marlin 2.x there should be a menu option to Store Settings. There is also the Pronterface route wherein you can issue an M500 command after making all the setting changes. Then, you can verify the changes by powering down the printer and checking if the settings are still there after powering back up.

That’s the strange part I am storing the settings.I used the Marlin 2.0.1. downloaded it from the creality site and loaded it onto the card and then placed it into the printer and turned it on.

Forgot to add this. BLtouch v1.1.2 but I have a CR hope that is not the problem.

What is the best way to reset the firmware?

In most firmware there is a menu option to reset the firmware.

I reset the firmware to the original state, Then I flashed the printer with Marlin 2.0.1 BLtouch v1.1.2
*Auto Home went to the center of the plate and said “STOPPED”
*Bed Leveling step stops at 1of 9

Not sure what I should do at this point, any thoughts?

If I can ever get this to work again, I am not going to upgrade it with another thing. LOL

But just think of what I can help others with in the future…?

I was a little confused by your reference to “CR”. For me, CR referred to a series of Creality printers. I checked their site just now and found out they now make a version of the BL Touch that they call “CR Touch”, and it apparently is compatible with a large percentage of their printers.

Having wrapped my head around that fact, I next checked YouTube to see what videos there might be about the CR Touch. I found this 1 that I think would be useful, at least to verify your setup: [U]CREALITY CR Touch Installation and First Impressions/Review - YouTube

I will watch it and review my setup, thanks.

I sent the video of what is happening to Creality and they are sending me a new unit.

That is encouraging that they would react like that. I have an Ender 3 pro but it has no warranty any more. Even though it is good to see that they are a good company.

I had the exact same problem with a 4.2.2 board, CR Touch and Jyers 2.0 Marlin.
Here’s what fixed the problem for me, after tons of searching:
In your start gcode, you must have added something like:

M420 S1 ; Load the mesh and enable ABL

Add another parameter:

M420 S1 F10 ; Load the mesh and enable ABL, fade out over ten layers

After adding a Fade parameter, my Z axis came to life while printing at last.
My theory is that the default for F is zero, so the mesh fades to flat just before the first layer is printed.

Thank you everyone, I received the new unit and will install it soon. I’ll let everyone know how it goes.