Updating Firmware Question

Hello All,

Got a question about updating firmware on my Ender 3 Pro running a 4.2.2 (non silent) board to the 4.2.7 silent board.

I recently updated to a Micro Swiss NG Direct Drive Extruder and All Metal Hot End and ran into an issue with extrusion quality. It seems the non silent drivers on the 4.2.2 board cause the extruder to pulsate causing crappy extrusions that are quit noticeable.

Micro Swiss confirms they have seen this issue on Creality 4.2.2 non-silent boards and their direct drive products. They said customers have tried TL Smoothers on the extruder or upgrade to the 4.2.7 board. They said the TL Smoother is hit or miss, but a board upgrade resolved it.

I added an BL Touch to this machine about a year ago and needed to update the firmware so I downloaded VS Studio and at that time the Marlin 2.0.0 Bugfix version, compiled and flashed the printer with no problem. Then this spring I enabled a couple more features and recompiled. The firmware has been running fine since.

So now that I’m installing a newer board I am contemplating downloading the latest version of Marlin and rebuilding the firmware (actually I change computers since the last compile and need to reload the software). My question what is the correct way to find all the customizations I’ve made to the current Configuration.h and Configuration_Adv.h and be sure I get these updates applied to the new config files?

I know there is a Creality firmware version (that supports BL Touch) on their web site, but I’m leery about what options or settings are enabled.



Assuming you still have the original computer, why not just install the exact same version of VS Code to the new computer, then copy the entire VS Code directory from the old computer to the new one. In any case you should always have at least 1 backup of all your data.

Personally I use TH3dStudio’s Unfied software for my Ender 3 v2 it’s the latest stable version for Marlin. Tim makes it real easy as he has moved most of the options that we need to the Configuration.h you tell it that you have the 4.2.7 board and it’s makes all the needed changes in the background. Also has a Bltouch section.

I think you can use VS to compare to files and it will highlight the differences.

I saw that Gramps. I’ll take a closer look. Does that ‘service’ require a subscription? Does that require their particular motherboard??

I did buy a dual Z with timing belt from them this summer and installed it on my ender, but when trouble shooting this Micro Swiss extruder issue I uninstalled it.

the TH3D Studio firmware does not require a subscription. AFAIK, that would violate the open source license.

The Unified firmware from TH3D is free to download and use. Tim updates it regularly too but does not release his version until it has been tested. He has a video on the site on how to set it up and use it too.