Setting Up Octoprint

Good Morning Everyone

Well I did it, I bought a Raspberry Pi 4 to be able to use Octoprint. Assembling the Raspberry was pretty straight forward and I did that without any problems. I followed the Dr Vax YouTube instructions to FLASH the file onto the SDcard.

When I try to connect to it with the terminal app I get Nothing, I can’t seem to connect to Pi@Octopi.local

I must be missing an important step somewhere but I am Stumped

This always happens to me when I try to install something new and Technical, I get about halfway and then get stuck, I need help

If I can’t get this thing working I will be in big trouble!

Jack in St. Louis, MO

After writing the SDCard you need to mofify and add the wifi credentials to the config file on the boot partition of the SDCard. Then you boot the card and it should take a few minutes until OctoPrint has done its setup.

The “.local” thing may fail, because of your router or the system you use, as it needs specific system components. I never trusted it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails.

Better log into your router and check for the IP. Another way is to use a network scanner on your phone, tablet or computer. Those are very handy to find the IP, but also useful as they provide a way to access the web interface directly after finding. The apps are available for free. Just search for network scan.

The only time I logged in my printers OctoPi instances using SSH was, when I wanted to perform a Marlin firmware update via USB.

I know what the router address is but when I tried to connect by typing SSH the terminal thing came back with connection refused…
I am on a 5G network and I am pretty sure that after I flashed the file to sd card I went in and uncomenneted the 4 lines and then typed my network name & password correctly.
I don’t know what to do

I just noticed that when I first turn on the Raspberry Pi both the red and green lights come on but within a few minutes the green LED goes out. If I do the ssh thing in the terminal app on my Mac the green LED flickers a bit and then goes out completely and it doesn’t connect.
Do I maybe have a defective Raspberry PI?

What else can I try to get this connected?



Why you don´t try with a web browser using ? Thats the officially interface for OctoPrint. SSH is not required at all.

You also probably need to enable SSH in the config files AFAIR. At least in other distributions like KODI it is disabled by default, for security reasons.

Thanks Everyone

I somehow got it to work, although I never could get it to connect by going to Pi@octopi.local I went to http:// octopi.local and it suddenly opened up and I was able to go through the config steps.

In the beginning I had my password wrong, I never new that one little capital letter would keep it from working.

I even got the pi camera to send the video to my iPhone which is what I wanted in the first place.

I still have a few tweaks to do to make Sure that my profile settings are like they where before I started this nightmare.

Thanks All

Playing with a Creality Ender 3 Pro ???

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I’m a little surprised by this. Why would you think you can get away with a password that isn’t an exact match. I mean, it is your security after all.

Good Morning

As far as the password to my wifi, My Netgear Router and Spectrum never complained about mixed upper & lower case letters and I have been using it with the first letter of the password capitalized for a long time. I did look on the sticker on the router to find it spelled correctly so that what I am using now.

Although I think that I have Octoprint working, I would like to know if there is a correct Start Up / Shut Down sequence in order for this to operate, connect properly?
So far its been a little hit & miss getting it to play nice.

Thanks for the help, as a 74 year old I need a lot of help and some adult supervision.


Hi Jack. I’m not sure what Spectrum is, but are you saying you’re using the default username & password on your Netgear router? If so, that is really, really insecure. If I parked on the street near your house I would likely be able to connect to your router and do almost anything I like on your network.

How can I change the password for Octoprint after everything is up and running? I never could get the SSH thing to work but somehow did manage to get octoprint working by going to Http://Octprint.local

I am sure that I have something wrong but I don’t know what!

I did flash the file on to the sd card and then go into the file and delete the commented out lines and put in the name of my network and password.
when I put the sd card into the raspberry pi I could not get into the SSH into raspberry pi to change its network or password from the default one.

Should I just start completely over by deleting the files on the SD card and try everything again?

If I need another network besides the one that Spectrum, the cable company, provided I don’t know to do that.

I am on a MacBook Air but that shouldn’t make any difference, I am sure that if anyone wanted to get into my network, I am not smart enough to keep them out other than having an unique password.


You can change the password from the OctoPrint web page you’re already accessing. Click on the wrench icon at the top-right of the OctoPrint page. A window should pop up. In the column at the left of the new window, about half way down, click on Access control (it’s under the Features section head). The right-hand pane of the window should now show the user list for OctoPrint. Since you’re the only user, there will likely only be 1 user shown. At the right hand end of the entry for your account you should be a key shaped icon. Click it. Another window will pop up, 1 where you can enter a new password.

Thanks Ender5r

I just changed my password in Octopi using your guidence,from the password that I use to get into my wireless router on my MacBook to something completely different for Octoprint.

Hopefully, That will keep the Chinese commies away from my printers so I can just start using this and start enjoying 3D printing again.

Jack, that’s a good move. I hope your wireless router admin password is also unique: i.e. something only you know.

Congratulations! I leave my Pi on all the time. Check out some of the OctoPrint plugins (Settings > Plugin Manager > Get More…). Here are some of the ones I use:

Arc-Welder: if your printer supports arc commands. Converts line segments to curves, which reduces the number of gcodes per second, hopefully eliminating stuttering and reducing file size.
Autologin Configuration: Configure AutoLoginLocal from the UI with ease.
Autoscroll: Turn on/off terminal autoscroll when scrolling up/down
Consolidate Temp Control: Small plugin to show how to consolidate temperature and control tab into one
FileManager: Simple FileManager
Fullscreen Plugin: Open webcam in fullscreen mode
HeaterTimeout: OctoPrint plugin to shutdown heaters after an idle timeout
ipOnConnect: A plugin that will send ip information to LCD panel and web UI on connect.
Marlin GCode Documentation: Provides documentation for Marlin GCode commands in the Terminal tab
Navbar Temperature Plugin: Displays temperatures on navbar
Resource Monitor: A plugin to view the current CPU and RAM usage on your system
System Command Editor: Makes System Commands editable over the Web UI
Themeify: Beautiful themes for octoprint
WebcamTab: Show webcam stream in separate tab


I have what is probably a “stupid” question… If I flash Octopi to an SD card for my RPi4, will I still be able to run the raspian desktop and other apps that are typical in a basic RPi4 OS? Or is the Octopi image exclusively for 3D printing. For example, can I plug in a keyboard and mouse to my RPi4 and boot to the desktop? Can I install VNCServer? Does the Octopi image include the raspian (or other) web browser. I would like to know this before going through the process of installing Octopi. Thanks!

This might help: Setting up OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (Debian) - Guides - OctoPrint Community Forum
