Monoprice MP10 Mini Cura (Mac) profile?

this is where I would definitely recommend DrVAX videos. I believe he’s done more than 1 on creating custom Cura profiles. What I basically do is use the Add Printer dialogue to set up the printbed size & give the profile a name. I leave the rest of the settings at the defaults to start. Then, I start tuning the printer & diagnosing test prints. After a day or 2 I normally have a reasonable profile.

This printer is going back to amazon for a refund. dr vax says it cannot print reliably faster than 50mm/sec – my mp select minis can print at 50mm/sec! It is unsupported in Cura. I can buy a CR10 mini for less money.

Thank you to everyone who tried to help.

Cura only supports Ultimaker printers. The other profiles are ones contributed by the community and Ultimaker includes some in the Cura distribution. More printer definitions are available on the Cura GitHub site (but not one for the MP10s). Malyan makes the MP10s for Monoprice.

Keep in mind that DRVAX reviewed the larger MP10, not the smaller MP10mini. He also said that he could not get good prints with jerk control on. I found I have to have it on. /shrug
