Klipper Tip - See Mcu temps on Dashboard

With a bit of code in the printer.cfg you can monitor the temps of the mainboard mcu as well as the Raspberry Pi

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################################################## ########
# Moniter temp of mcu on Creality board & Pi
################################################## ########
[temperature_sensor Creality_4.2.2]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 100

[temperature_sensor Pi_3b]
sensor_type: temperature_host
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 100

You can change the names to suit your setup. This should also work with Fluidd

Hmmm, not finding 1 for the SKR 1.4 Turbo. Oh well.

Change Creality_4.2.2 to SKR_1.4_Turbo and it should work as long as the mcu is reporting the temp. The one I posted for the Pi was originally PiZero and I changed it to Pi_3b and it still worked. The name can’t have spaces in it, everything after the space will be ignored .

Hopefully not too far off topic, but the OctoPrint plugin, Resource Monitor, also allows the display of the Pi’s vitals. (Maybe there is something in the Python code that would be useful for Klipper users!?)

