Is there Smith3D firmware for Ender 3 V1 with BL Touch and 4.2.7 mainboard?

I just purchased a BL Touch and a 4.2.7 mainboard for my Ender3 V1 noticed Smith3D has firmware available for the Ender3 V2. Is there any firmware for the Ender3 V1 that has the same extra features or something similar .
Any info would be appreciated.

The main difference between the Ender 3 v1 & Ender 3 v2 is the main board. The v1 is 8 bit the v2 is 32 bit. There are 2 different 32 bit boards for the v2 4.1.2 7 4.2.7. The Smith3d firmware for the v2 4.2.7 board should work just fine. I would check with Smith3d to make sure I am correct.

The Smith3D firmware is, of course, configured to run on 32-bit boards such as the Creality 4.2.2 & 4.2.7. The issue with trying to run the firmware on 8-bit boards such as the Silent 1.1.5 is that there is often not enough available memory space to hold the firmware. Very often, it requires re-configuring the firmware, disabling features & test compiling until the compiler indicates it will fit.

A better option, IMHO, would be to buy a 4.2.7 board. They are surprisingly inexpensive: [U][/U]

Just download the Smith3D firmware for the 4.2.7 board then change the X and Y offsets. They built the smith3d firmware for the Ender 3 V2 so the X and Y offsets will be off. Don’t know what the Ender 3 V1 X and Y offsets will be so can’t tell you what to set them to. You need to measure the distance form the bltouch probe to the nozzle in the X and Y axis. Here is the link for the smith3d 4.2.7 board firmware


Here is a link that shows the commands for marlin to set the X and Y offsets

I’ll try the GitHub version of Smith3D firmware for the 4.2.7 board.
Thanks again for the info!

I get a blank screen when I load the Smith3d firmware on my Ender 3 V1 doesn’t look like the firmware is compatible with the screen used on the Ender 3 and the Ender 3 Pro.

You could buy a ender 3 V2 screen. better then the ender 3 V1 screen anyway i think.