Changed hot end on ender 2 pro to an ender 3 pro hot end and its center on bed is too far to the right, how to change in slicer to move hot end to the left say 18mm ? The two stubs on the x carriage back plate broke off on ender 2 and had a spare ender 3 it works fine except its not centered on bed.
I would change it in the printer settings, not having that printer I can’t tell you exactly how to do it.
The main issue is that the printer itself is now off center.
You can compensate this within the printer hardware settings within your slicer, but it is best to change those values in the printer firmware.
Especially when the gap between home and bed changed, which can be an issue.
The printer hardware got changed, so you need to adapt the printers firmware. Especially when you swap slicers the problem will return every time and cause problems.
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Thank you, I’ll have to see how to do that.