Xyz printer software

I just got a 3d printer xyzzy printing I don’t know what to do now because I can’t download the software the company is gone for it I need help for this

Well, you usually just need a slicer (e.g. Cura) to prepare the model and you can copy the result to an SD card, which gets plugged into the printer.

I know not much about such printers, but if it has a display and controls you should be fine by selecting the newly added file.

If the printer (which I assume) has repetier firmware on it, you probably need to change some options to disable Marlin features within the slicer.

However. As you may noticed a little more information is required to properly solve your issue. :smiley:

Can you tell is what model you have? As Geit noted, any open-source slicer like Cura or PrusaSlicer should work with a “newer” XYZPrinter (aka Da Vinci)–given what I’ve read online (that they work with Marlin-flavored g-code). You would just need to create a custom configuration; we can help with that effort.
