Lately I’ve been looking for firmware upgrade for my Ender 5 Pro and found about Klipper3D. It sounded appealing from the start, and I’ve watched very impressive videos of it’s performance (also easy to tune settings and pressure advance option). What was also a plus, don’t needing any HW upgrades - just reuse what you already have in place: OctoPi + stock motherboard.
Along with request for video to cover this topic, I can ask community if this is the best way to upgrade my Ender 5 Pro firmware (without changing my 8-bit motherboard)?
My printer has Melzi v1.1.5. board with stock firmware. So far served me well - but I’ve feel confident I can do more with same setup.
So far I’ve looked into upgrading to Marlin 2.x, looks possible but I have concerns about performance. TH3D has option for Unified 2 firmware, reading that it is stripped down version of Marlin and actually couldn’t get more results googling the net. Did I miss something?
Thanks for the request. I have to think about what printer I want to try this on since it will become completely non-standard and will no longer be useful for comparisons. I may put a standard board in my Monoprice MP-10 that is sitting in a corner and then compare Marlin and Klipper – wow that sounds like a lot of work. Need to figure out how to fit that in. Thanks again for the suggestion.
P.S. I have used the TH3D Unified firmware both v1 and v2 and it is excellent. I have their 32-bit upgrade board in my Ender 5 and it was easy to install.
I still don’t see the reason for using clipper. It was a good and useful thing to upgrade printers several years ago, because back then there where no alternatve boards available.
Now a modern 32bit board has enough cpu power for higher speeds and can be bought for less than 20 Euro without drivers.
So instead of using a complicated setup to keep old and out dated 8 bit stuff, upgrading the 8 bit stuff is a simple and far less complicated setup.