Slicer Print Speeds

I am currently using UltiMaker Cure for my slicer, I just bought a Sonic Pad/Klipper for my Ender 3 S1 Pro printer. I used to use SuperSlicer and @CoreyPDX suggested I try using OrcaSlicer. I finally got the BambuSlicer to run on my machine and am trying to figure out how to get speeds from BambuSlicer close to what I can get on UltiMaker. The basic parameters for the UltiMaker slicer came with the Sonic Pad upgrade. So I slice the same object on each and try to figure out how to get the same speeds and I just can’t using similar parameters, and it seems something else is slowing it down and infill seems to be the biggest issue:
for my part using BS: the infill time is 26 minutes and for UC: 11 minutes.

For both I have infill speed at 140m/s. All of the specific times for the BambuSlicer are greater than for UltiMaker and I guess I’m ok with that. Just wondering if there is some other parameter that I’m not seeing that might be useful.

Infill strongly depends on the type of infill and its density.

It is not just a simple on and off or a general speed value, which causes the speed difference.

if both slicers are set to use the exact same infill, why would the amount of time be so different. I have looked at as many parameter settings as I can and cannot come up with anything that will make the time it takes to match between the two slicers. They should be somewhat closer one would think. I have a part that takes about 4 hours on the UltiMaker slicer and about 6 hours on the BambuLabs slicer. The timing reported by the slicers has the infill at 3 times for the Bambu slicer. Something is different, the parts look the same.

One parameter that could be impacting print times is Max Volumetric Speed. Bambu uses it; Cura does not. Try setting it to zero which should turn it off.


Thank you for the recommendation. The value for the filament I am using was set at 10. The allowable range goes from .5 to 70 and if I set the value to .5 it took many hours to print just about anything, as one would suspect. Values greater than 10 all end with the same printing time which is much slower than with Cura. I’ve looked thru the .config/BambuStudio files and couldn’t find any settings. I suspect that there is something specific to this printer that limits it. I’m not sure about this, and still looking.

Are you sure it is the same? There is a density setting, which defines the spacing between the infill lines. If one slicer does 4mm spacing between lines in square infill mode and the other uses only 3mm, the later will take longer to print as there are simply more lines to print.

Also check the infill traveling/printing speed. There are so many potential reasons a slicer takes longer to print.

Ahh my bad. I don’t use Bambu Studio (no keyboard commands to zoom in/out), and had assumed that setting was the same as in PrusaSlicer.

Two thoughts. Is the amount of filament used (in meters) the same for both slicers?

Have you tried making test prints to confirm that the slicer times are accurate?


Thanks for the information, I would like nothing better than to find what the issue is, and I probably have not looked at all of the potential causes. On both the UltiMaker Slicer and the BambuLabs Slicer the values for Infill Line Width and Line Width. Sparse Infill are both set at .4mm.

Travel speed seems consistent. Each slicer has a list for where the time is spent and BambuLabs showns the time is really spent printing the infill. One thing I haven’t done is print the same thing with both slicers and see if one does a better job than the other.

One thing I think is clear, but one never knows, is that I can use ridiculously high numbers for infill speeds and the amount of time stays the same, off by only a few 100’s of a second. This seems to me to point to a machine set value somewhere that I can’t find, ha ha, or i’m just plain wrong.

Anyway thanks for your insight, I really appreciate it.