A short report:
On the Thingiverse page:
I typed “platonic” into the search string, and clicked on “Cubic system special forms”
There was one scad file and seven stl files.
I can view a picture or a 3D projection of the stl’s.
I can download or customize the scad file.
It would be nice if I could download the STL files here, too. One of them might be just what I need.
I can confirm that in this view, but then getting that file is convoluted.
If I click on the customize (tilted cube) icon, then I cannot navigate back to the previous page with the browser’s ‘back’ button.
Instead, I return to the search page, with only my search string preserved and nothing selected.
This can be frustrating, because after a search with a general search string, the object I selected may take many 'next page’s to locate again.
Feature suggestion: a ‘Recent’ list of objects I’ve selected in this session, or at least a ‘favorites’ list.
Clicking on customize, I come to ‘Model: cubic_forms.scad’ and the description begins:
null // [0:cube,1:rhombic dodecahedron,2:tetrahexahedron,3 pentagonal dodecahedron,4 octahedron,5:tetrahedron,6:icositetrahedron,7:triak is tetrahedron,8:triakis octahedron,9:deltoid dodecahedron,10:hexakis octahedron,11:diakisdodecahedron,12:hexatetrahedro n,13 pentagonal icositetrahedron,14:tetrahedral pentagonal dodecaheron]
The leading ‘null //’ part should be removed and the list should be unwrapped.
Ideally, the content could be converted into a numbered list in HTML, which would be quite easy to read.