JGMaker Artist-D

I just wondered if Dr. Vax or Ender5r ever heard anything about this Idex printer.

Supposedly they have been shipped from China.

The old slow boat from china routine. I’m dying to see how you like it.

Is this the same? It looks like you got a good deal according to Alibaba.https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002305274454.html?albpd=en1005002305274454&acnt=708-803-3821&aff_platform=aaf&albpg=299423776478&netw=u&albcp=11474941573&pvid=0d8713e1-c954-461d-82ef-14db7d0aa036&sk=UneMJZVf&scm=1007.23534.123999.0&trgt=299423776478&terminal_id=5984524889bb49e09a15c1ce726b0305&needSmbHouyi=false&albbt=Google_7_shopping&src=google&crea=en1005002305274454&aff_fcid=c14aafbc3ac64cc5ba3d1fbc5e4a5bd3-1618705999114-06601-UneMJZVf&albag=118929307624&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&albch=shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&aff_trace_key=c14aafbc3ac64cc5ba3d1fbc5e4a5bd3-1618705999114-06601-UneMJZVf&rmsg=do_not_replacement&device=c

Yeah, that looks like the same 1: we got a deal because it was an early-bird Kickstarter price.

Here is a recent update from JG Maker. I have recently reviewed the specs while the retail price will be on the top end of the 3d printers I work with at $684 the specifications are really impressive.

[ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“custom”,“height”:“676”,“title”:“Screen Shot 2021-04-20 at 1.40.15 PM.png”,“width”:“512”,“data-attachmentid”:9788}[/ATTACH]

My printer arrived today, about an hour ago. [SIZE=22px]??[/SIZE]

Fantastic. Hoping for the same result shortly.

When is your unboxing livestream? ?


P.S. – I’m particularly interested in the leveling process for the two print heads so any info there would be appreciated!

unboxing livestream??? I have never understood why this is a thing, any kind of thing. It’s not like it’s covered in Christmas wrap or something.

Yeah, the setup, configuration, and dialing-in process should be interesting.

But, think of your fans!

I do have a few fans: a couple of USB powered oscillating that I use to cool a couple of hard drive docks, a tall oscillating 1 for the living room, & a couple of super quiet USB powered fans for miscellaneous uses. I have no idea what they have to do with my new printer though.

That’s really cool!

(Edit: Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

The disk drives certainly like them. I make spinners last longer than almost anybody can believe. I have a few more than 10 years old, still working like champs. I have very few failures. Mostly, I retire older drives because their capacity is now too small.

I’m delighted that you received your machine. I do hope you record your experience.

I’m starting a new topic under Printer Reviews for this printer.

Thanks for the heads up. I usually forget to look at other subjects than straight 3d print. That’s why I would like to be notified of all new posts on this forum automatically.