FluiddPi vs MainsailOS

For you Klipper users out there, which do you prefer Fluidd or Mainsail. I have watched some videos but didn’t get much out of them. When I started with Klipper recently I used Mainsail because it appeared to be more up to date and under development more. When I was struggling with Klipper I did throw up a copy of Fluidd but quickly went back to Mainsail because Fluidd was a bit confusing. I sure it wouldn’t have been if I started with it. Now that I have the basics figured out I’ll probably take another look at it in time, but was wondering what the rest of the Klipper users here were using.

I agree that Mainsail seems to be getting more active development ATM. I don’t find there is much difference between them in regular use. One difference I did note is editting, for example, printer.cfg. In fluidd you right-click on printer.cfg, then left-click on Edit in the popup menu. In Mainsail you just click print.cfg and it opens directly in the editor.

I did find that Mainsail’s installation instructions were less straightforward than fluidd. The trick is to learn to ignore the OctoPrint part in the Klipper instructions.

I did notice that all the Klipper directions refer to Octoprint. Like you said I just translated Octoptint to Mainsail and was pretty much good to go.

I had flashed Fluidd on a SD card the other day and thought tonight while I was waiting for a print to finish on the SV04 I would swap SD card and look at Fluidd so I did. When Fluidd started it came up with an error indicating that I was running firmware version .09 & it wanted .10. I put the Mainsail SD back in and shows that I’m running version .10 so maybe Fluidd meant it the other way. There were a few things I like when looking around, it had more options for setting the Z-offset with some finer adjustments. From the little bit of time I was messing around in Fluidd I think I like Mainsail better it just seems more mature to me.

But isn’t it nice we have 2 feature-rich options?

Oh it’s great to have the 2 options that in reality are not that far apart. I think it’s more cosmetic than functionality. For me it might be that because I started with Mainsail and got rather used to it that is why I prefer it. It is had been the other way around things might be different. When looking around in Fluidd I just didn’t see anything earth shattering that would make me want to change at this time.

I agree. I’m glad there are 2 options simply because, if development on 1 stops, we have another option.