Extruder problem

Ran into a problem on my Ender 5 last evening while trying to do a print.
I have had this unit for about 1 year and have not had a major problem with it till yesterday. Like many Creality printers, it uses a “plastic” extruder. I run octoprint and noticed that the print didn’t seem to be doing as it should, so got up and investigated. Found a pile of filament all around the extruder head. Looking closer, realized the Bowden coupler along with its brass threaded insert had been pushed out of the plastic extruder frame!

Thought I would point this out as you may want to be proactive and order a replacement (metal) extruder head or even upgrade to something like a Bondtec or similar BEFORE the problem happens or at least have one in stock when it happens.

In my case, I am down till the new one can be shipped because I am like I am sure many of you are and there is no local source and had to order one.

Like a say, this is just a heads up for anybody that may have a plastic extruder body.


thx. Helps confirm my choice of the Ender 5 Pro.

I’m on my third extruder for my Creality 3 pro. I had a plastic one that cracked, then an aluminum ine with one drive which disn’t ever work properly so I got a double drive aluminum that I am happy with.

Sorry for the typos, I’m typing without glasses.