Bl Touch

Hello everyone. So I run a Bltouch on one printer and one cr touch on another that runs Klipper. The Bl touch is on my IDEX modded ender 3 that runs Marlin and I use E0 for my Palette 3. My question is when you home a printer with a bl touch is the supposed to home in the center if the bed or is the nozzle supposed to be in the center? I only ask because on my big printer with Malrin the probe is in the center of the bed. With my cr touch and running klipper that one the nozzle is in the center. I am just wondering if I need to adjust the offsets. I hope this question makes sense.

You can adjust the offsets to any location you prefer. By default, most probes do orient at the center, but it’s not a law or anything. Your choice.