Badminton machine

Badminton - Wikipedia :wink:

Did you mean 50 square meters?

Yes, I’ve used “birds” as well in the past. I just remember “shuttlecock” from when I was a kid. It just sounded so suggestive to us kids it made us giggle.

no. Is cm = centimeters

That seems like a really small target area for a machine that’s supposed to help you improve at badminton.

Maybe its for beginners. Just joking.

Just like the Baseball autoshooting machine

Exactly guys. BTW @Vassili_Finellis, they’re called pitching machines.

Thanks for the info! Never undestood Baseball and American Football either.

The basics of American Football are actually pretty simple. It’s 2 armies on a battlefield. The armies line up against each other, just like in the dark ages. At the command of the general (quarterback) his army tries to advance on the enemy and take the secret weapon (football) into the enemy’s castle (end zone) and score 6 points.

The quarterback can give the ball to one of his soldiers to carry forward, or he can throw it to another soldier. The army on the offense has 4 tries to get the ball at least 10 yards (basically 10 meters) forward. If the army has failed to move 10 yards after 3 tries, they have options: try 1 more time, try to kick the ball through 2 turrents (goal posts) of the castle for 3 points or, if the goal post is too far away, just kick the ball as far down the battlefield as possible. In all cases, the ball is turned over to the enemy, who now becomes the offensive army (er, team).

Baseball’s basic goal is also simple, but the details are probably even more complicated that English Cricket…

LOL very funny description! Now i get it!

Can I make 1 small suggestion: use 2 nuts on the top of the discs, to ensure the discs don’t come loose and fly off into someone?

They are temporary. I usually use self-locking nuts.

That should work.

Looks like my desk on most days ?

I don’t recall if you already stated it, but what filament did you use?

ai used PLA

Ah. PETG might stop the warping then.

Nice work. It’s a big project and you’ve made great progress.
