Warm weather causing extruder clogs.

Not interested in flashing the TH3D Unified firmware?

The trouble is I’m 75 y/o and I have pretty bad brain damage even though none of my friends really believe it. I keep testing my brain to keep it working and sometimes I just can’t. Why did I buy a 3d printer? To see if I could make my brain work. And I had followed the development of the technology for years. I’mjust having a struggle IO actually downloaded this but I can’t get it together.

Sorry about typos.

You’re having trouble flashing the TH3D firmware? If so, I might be able to help.

Wow I would love that. You can be my savior.

I said that because I just did it about 2 weeks ago. Have you downloaded the TH3D firmware yet? If not, get it here: [U]https://th3dstudiocom.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/EfBgicsrK8xPmnQfSTKsDDAB6HnYVr38KwXCp-Zh1R6jug?e=TW058z&download=1[/U]

Let’s go for it. I tried yesterday but wasn’t able.

I have re-downloaded this file.

Have you seen this video: [U]How to Update the TH3D Unified Firmware the EZ way - YouTube?

No I haven’t I will try it out, thank you.

Just remember, when they “click the arrow/button at the top left”, they mean the arrow, located at the top-left of the window, that points to the right. This is the button the Arduino IDE uses to load a program into an Arduino board (Ender control boards are Arduino-based). I think they don’t mention this because anyone who has used the Arduino IDE already knows this. But, there are 3 buttons at the top-left: one up, one down, and one right, so it can be confusing to novices.

Oh, BTW, when I flashed my firmware, I noticed a series of # marks marching across the printer’s LCD display. So you can use that as an indication it’s working.

Thanks for the tips. I will probably have to watch the video 20 times before I do anything.

If you have 2 computers available, it would be good to have the video in one, and use the other for the actual steps for your printer. If not, you could pause the video, alt-tab to your process, such as the Arduino IDE, and do the next step, then back to the video, and so on.

Yes, my room mate is gone to his chalet with his so I only have my old macbook pro, but I will be doing a lot of pausing. I haven’t started trying to do it yet I have to slow my brain down and go very slow or I get a wierd brain effect that can make me go lay down.

That’s the way to go: nice & slow: get it right the 1st time ?

I was going pretty good with the TH3DUF explanation til I hit a brick wall. It seems I’m pretty well set up in Arduino but I had to open a file called Firmware and in the Firmware\TH3DUF I have to open TH3DUF.ino. For the life of me I can’t find it. I know nothing about using a mac really. my roommate gave me this one. I was ok on Windows a few years ago but never took the time to learn anything except how to turn on the macbook pro and find youtube. I think if I could find that file I might actually succeed.

I’ve been trying to find out how to do this on the mighty google but no joy. I’m usually good at finding things on google.

I didn’t realize you’re on a Mac. Did you download the firmware package for Windows or for Mac? The Arduino IDE will be different because of the different OS. The TH3D instruction page for Mac is here: https://support.th3dstudio.com/hc/en…s/360043728431

I have the mac one. For sure and I’m following a good tutorial on how to install it on mac but I just don’t understand mac file system.

try this: [U]how to find a file on mac - Bing video