Online OpenSCAD Editor

Models is now more than a collection of templates (OpenSCAD scripts) with an online customizer that works reliably. Now, Models includes an online IDE. This initial beta release of the IDE includes syntax highlighting, essential command completion, the ability to save scripts to the model’s cloud or location, and testing your scripts with the customizer.

It fully supports external modules, fonts, and files in a ZIP file uploaded to your workspace and then published with your model.

The editor uses Microsoft Monaco under the covers, which is keystroke compatible with VSCode. We have a full OpenSCAD linter under development, and the next release of the editor will be available after the first of the year.

Using the online editor, I will release a free set of OpenSCAD tutorials hosted on the MakeWithTech video channel. Nothing to install. Nothing to configure for creators who want to publish model templates to our site.

Please take a look and let me know what you think. Then, click on the pencil icon from the main menu to start a script from scratch, or click on the pencil on a model card on the search screen to see the model in the editor.


P.S. As always, I look forward to any feedback.​


Hi Irv,

I am getting deeper into 3D modeling beyond just printing. Is OpenSCAD a good alternative to other 3D modeling softwares such as Fusion360/TinkerCAD etc.?

What’s your thoughts on this?

Definitely looking forward to “Learning Something Together” !!


They are entirely different.

OpenSCAD is a free, open-source CAD program that is unique compared to traditional programs like Fusion 360. Unlike Fusion 360 and other 3D modeling suites, OpenSCAD does not feature an interactive interface; instead, OpenSCAD focuses on creating models through script files. This allows users to create complex designs in a fraction of the time of traditional CAD programs. Additionally, OpenSCAD is excellent for designing parametric models; users can create easily modified and customized designs with just a few lines of code. OpenSCAD also has an extensive library of built-in modules and functions, making it much easier to create complex shapes and objects than in traditional CAD programs. Finally, OpenSCAD is entirely free, making it an excellent choice for users on a budget or just starting with 3D modeling. OpenSCAD offers an efficient and easy way to create complex parametric models that would otherwise take considerable time and effort to design in other CAD programs.

At the end of the day, developing models with OpenSCAD is more like programing and using a program like Fusion 360 is more like Photoshop or a graphics editor.

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