Hi, some of you might remember that I have a preassembled Prusa which had many issues, which I managed to solve with various tips I got on here. It now prints better than before it was shipped back for repairs under warranty, and the tips I got on here after it returned and still didn’t work properly, make it possible to print again.
That said, I barely print anyway, as I canceled all my large projects for years to come. This printer is not up for such a challenge. I also want a huge multicolor printer, version 2 so no infancy illnesses anymore, for a normal price tag, and only after we have moved in a few years. Since we will move to a better climate, I decided it would not be a good idea to haul all of those printed items that far. But I do print miniatures every now and then.
I did about 60 prints since the repairs and the blobbing started to get worse again, causing 1/4 of first layer failures currently. After the first layer completes, the blobs don’t cause a problem that much anymore. I keep an eye on the entire first layer to grab drools and blobs, otherwise all prints would fail. Nope not too hot, 200-205C prints, PLA I used successfully on previous printers as well.
One of the repairs done by Prusa was “to tighten the nozzle”. It still comes loose apparently after 60 prints. I contact them by email, as live chat is a nono because of my disability. If they won’t give me a new hotend under warranty, I will buy a different brand and replace it when the warranty period has passed in a few months. Any input on which brand? Preferably something with an easy way to replace a nozzle, instead of the excruciatingly difficult task it is with my Prusa one. Not that we even attempted, as this printer hasn’t printed that much yet.