As part of my preparation for a new video about replacing stock Bowden tubes with Capricorn tubing I went to upgrade my ANET ET4. I learned a couple of things that I will cover in the video but wanted to provide to this community ahead of time.
- The Bowden couplers (fittings) on the ET4 are a slightly non-standard configuration. Both couplers, the extruder, and the hot end are the same. Both are the style where the Bowden tube goes completely through the coupler. Here is a link to the Capricorn site where they have an excellent explanation of couplers:
- Standard Capricorn tubing for 1.75mm filament has an outside diameter of 4mm. The tubing that comes with the ET4 has an outside diameter of 3.8mm. So you cannot use Capricorn tubing with the standard ET4 hot end as it will not go past the beginning of the heat break tube. You might be able to use the existing tubing inside the hot end and a different type of fitting/coupler to connect to Capricorn tubing on the outside.
More to come when I publish the video.