1.5 year project finished

I print miniatures for my dolls. I take various designs I find online and tweak them till they suit my needs. The tweaking can be heavy, like the tree I used, or mild.

It took so long because 1 printer died during the process, I never print at night, my new one was 3.5 months out of service, my printer has quirks which by the help of all of you found workarounds to make it print better. Thanks so much!

To present a big project, I usually come up with a storyline. So, here you go. I know most of you here define as male, but maybe the inner child in you might like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4osobYO-lU

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I can see why that was a 1.5 year project even without the printer issues that’s a lot of printing. The story was cute you have quite the imagination.

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Oooh, thanks! You make me blush!

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