Welcome to our community!

Welcome to the new Forum by MakeWithTech.

Over the past couple of years, thousands of 3d Printer users and desktop technology makers have come to rely on forum.makewithtech.com to share ideas, post photos of things they have made, and get answers to their technical questions.

To better support the community I have migrated the forum to Discourse a leader in building communities.

The MakeWIthTech Community

I want to thank you again for participating in the MakeWithTech community, which consists of:

Let’s continue to learn together.



The new forums seem very modern looking. It looks like you’ve put an enormous amount of work into the site!

Thanks Irv. Just getting into 3D printing. I have found your videos on Cura and Freecad very valueable.
Thanks for all your work.

I just started watching Dr. Vax videos again and I have learned more in a week that I had over the last 7 or 8 years. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks and the ones Dr. Vax has taught me is proof! lol

Thanks @shootingblaks00. The channel hasn’t been called DrVAx for a couple of years. Guess you first checked it out a long time ago. Thanks for coming back. I have some interesting videos about 3d printer speed coming out.

Thank you Irv. It has been a while and you have taught me more in the past 2 or 3 weeks than I have learned in the past 3 or 4 years!

hi there
ima new to the forum and a noob at the 3d printing world …this looks new and fresh ,hoping to gain some valuable knowledge along the way :slight_smile:

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