Prints won’t stick!

I hope that type of magnetic plate works longer than the one that came with my Ender 3 pro 2 years ago or so. After a couple of months printing I had a hole in the centre where I tended to print the most the size of a silver dollar. I just kept printing around the hole till I finally gave in and bought the glass plate which was supposed to be removable but stuck like shit to a blanket as the Texans say. I never did figure out why that happened.

Yea i heard the pad that came with the ender 3 pro were not made of metal like these are so i can see that happening.

We’ll see.

I have… ?

Wouldn’t bed leveling offset any minor differneces in the X axis orientation with the frame?
I’m new to the hobby and learning as fast as I can.

Bed leveling will help offset for uneveness in the printbed, but you should do eveything you can to ensure the printer’s frame is as square & solid as you can. Like a house, it all starts with a solid foundation.