I have unfortunately not explained well what I am trying to do, sorry.
I am attempting to remove portions of the stl that I downloaded from the internet and my code seems to work but when it comes to Render(F6) the display is a mess, even though the preview(F5) looks fine. Without the render one cannot create an stl.
Unfortunately as a new member I am unable to upload the file in question to show it.
Body2.stl (3.4 MB)
If one looks at the uploaded stl one can see that it is part of a radio control helicopter fuselage.
It incorporates two blocks inside the fuselage. I wish to remove these blocks as with them in my mechanics do not fit.
As I said I can preview the stl with blocks removed but cannot render it. A render looks like:-
I put the STL into TinkerCAD and hacked out the two center structures that seem to be in the way. That file is attached. The new STL sliced ok in both PrusaSlicer (with auto mesh repair turned on) and Cura (after repairing with the Mesh Tools plugin).
When I attempt uploading the other part of the fuselage into Tinkercad I get told “error in uploading”. I suspect that the file may be too big. I will try again tomorrow.
----- Repair completed in 13679ms ------
→ Vertex count changed from 35800 to 36286 (+486)
→ Triangle count changed from 71683 to 73086 (+1403)
→ Body2.stl available for download. Click the button below to download"
And, Meshmixer didn’t find any flaws in the repaired file.