Copy a form....

Hi, I created with FreeCAD 19 and object and already printed it, but I found I did a mistake like the section rounded on H01 is not high enough, so I would like to add a section and continue the same opening true the add section, So I copy the same pattern from my first creation to keep the same location but when I glue it, on the (H06) face I dont see it so I cannot make a hole, can you help me to do that, then when my part will be print, I just glue it over my exist creation.

Thank you so much for your help


@Geit is the real expert on FCAD, but I’m wondering why you don’t create a new plane of the top surface of the existing Pad, project the geometry (if needed) of the original to the new plane, re-create the sketch on the new plane, then pad it up to the height you want.

Thank for your help, I finally found how to copy and paste at the same coord, then make a hole, but with the reverse option, and it wok. So thank to read me and send your idea.

So this subject is close for me.

Glad you found it out.

I never use the copy features as they tend (or did tend) to break stuff in FreeCAD. When the official 0.20 versions with fixed references get available, I plan to give those a try again.

As @Ender5r mentioned I would just recreate the sketch for now. With parametric values this is just minor work and there is no way this is falling apart. Over time I even get used to use datum planes, even so one can do it a little easier, but it just feels wrong now. :smiley: