AI creating models

A few weeks ago, I came across the first AI which created a 3D object from a picture, called Alpha3D.

Now this. It’s called Masterpiece Studio. The first AI text to object generator is here. Pretty basic and very limited, but there will be more AI out there soon to create an object from a description.

Personally, can’t wait. I get along well with some basic stuff in Blender and TinkerCad, but I have ideas in my head which are way too difficult to create in 3D or too costly to have them made by designers. Up to now, in over 2 years of 3D printing, the learning curve has been steep enough to realize I currently lacked the courage to become a wizard in creating those.

I will have to control my excitement for a few years more, lol.

With what you have created already I can only imagine what might me stored in your head waiting to be released. Interesting times ahead.

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