Here we go again. My Prusa MKS+ had issues. It started throwing blobs. I started hearing many crash detections. Blobs got bigger, so big eventually, that prints got knocked off on their first layer even. Helpdesk gave me the new beta firmware which solved that thermal issue, as far as I can see, because my Superpinda is shafted.
I already suspected so a while back, as I suddenly had to start doing a regular re-calibration of the first layer and it’s time intervals increased, up to a point where it printed way too high after the calibration was redone perfectly. Luckily, there is a test program which throws out data to prove it.
Although I am happy that their helpdesk will send a new Superpinda, I am not pleased on how they handle emails. Yes, they have live 24/7 chat. I’m disabled due to MS and am dyslexic, I can’t do live chat. If they ask me to go and fiddle with parts, I need my hub, as I lack strength to handle certain tools. When he’s available after work, my brain is too tired to do chat. And don’t even start me on the dyslexia, lol. I am slow, and I have yet to meet a helpdesk person who can keep focused waiting for an answer, lol.
Emails have less priority and get no automated reply. I had to beg 3 times on chat to respond, or to see if they even got it. Also, they get no “ticket”, meaning it does not seem to get logged into a system to keep track on help desk problems. It would be so easy to refer back with a case nr. I used to be a quality or IT manager in the past, or both, depending on the job requirements. This makes me cringe!
Now, I wonder how long it will take to get that Superpinda here. Anyone have any experience with that? I am literally suffering from withdrawal.
Oh, yes, I have plenty of hobbies to keep busy, but I also have a big project which I was printing and want it to be finished, it’s been ongoing for almost a year. Luxury problems, I know, I know. Just consider that I live in the EU, everyone I know turned their heating way down because of higher energy prices, except us out of necessity. I can’t visit people because of it, as I get horrible pain when I am cold, even wearing 5 layers of clothing, so my “golden cage” is it 9 months a year. I need my printer, lol!!